lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

"Front of the class"

After watching the movie "The front of the class," I can say that what makes Brad's teaching great is the creativity, the enthusiasm, and the control he has in the classroom. Besides his teaching, Brad teaches his pupils values such as tolerance, respect, perseverance, and also he teaches them how to enjoy being youself. It is interesting how Brad overcame the bullying and teasing he always experimented because of  his handicap.The perseverance and the positivism Brad shows in the movie has struck me, also the way his mother is always supporting him. This movie has given me a valuable lesson which is that you have to fight come what may to make your dreams come true.So I aspire to become a good techer who will just help his pupils to become excellents students.

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011


TVYL is a hard work, but at the same time, it is a funny work. It is hard because you have to create a lot of materials every time you teach a class. You have to think a lot in order to create activities for your pupils to learn easily and effectively. In other words, you have to be creative, patient, and you have to love what you do.
My classmates and I shared a lot of information about TVYL through nice presentations that have been of great importance in our teaching practice. These presentations have helped me to better understand my pupils’ behavior and also how to have an effective learning in my classroom. I have learnt the importance of having a positive atmosphere in the classroom so that the students feel comfortable and learn more effectively. My classmates, through presentations, have given me some ideas to make my teaching funny and effectively, for example, the using of puppets, making pair and group work, having English corner, etc.
In summa, I have learnt that I have to create a rapport and that I have to include, not to exclude. And I think I won’t forget what teacher Edgar has told us about children: “Children learn by doing, and that they are the most important thing in the classroom.”