viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

To my mind, Danah Zohar calls dialogue a quantum process since as far as I know, in a quantum process all parts, no matter how small they are, they play an important role in such a process. The same happens in “dialogue”; you cannot exclude any of the twelve principles to mantain and nurture the dialogue since they are related one to the other. If you exclude any of these principles, you will be in a pickle since adult learning is best achieved in dialogue which includes these twelve principles:
1.      Needs assessment
2.      Safety in the environment and the process
3.      Sound relationships between teacher and learner and among learners
4.      Sequence of content and reinforcement
5.      Praxis
6.      Respect for learners as decision makers
7.      Ideas, feelings, and actions
8.      Immediacy of the learning
9.      Clear roles and role development
10.  Team work and use of small groups
11.  Engagement of the learners in what they are learning
12.  Accountability
All of these principles make your teaching better when teaching adult learners.

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